My name is Sara Gagliarducci and I am a clown, performer, travelling actress, and a craftswoman in a theatre without a place
I study performing arts and I am committed to learning more about the clown’s mask, beginning from the tradition to then open up to contemporary trends. Since 2001 I have been working with passion, as theatre has become for me an opportunity to meet others and grow at an individual and community level. Streets, unconventional spaces, and peripheral areas have become my favourite venue to develop and share my artistic way of expression.
Following a crucial experience of group theatre, since 2015 I have moved on individually. In this period of transformation and void, here comes Mimì, the homeless female clown, who tells me how to endure the absence and is driving me to use lightness as a strategy to escape. That has led me to create ALI [wings], a comic poetic silent performance, where Mimì plays with spectators to tell morsels of her story. Thanks to Mimì, I have started to travel and I have been welcomed in many communities rich in humanity to be discovered. The journey becomes a source of creative inspiration involving contamination and disorientation, achievement and transformation. In 2017, I was chosen as performer by Berlin’s Institut Fur Neue Soziale Plastike to participate in their projects revolving around the role of memory and its transmission. Since then I am very proud to have become part of the group.
In 2019, I started working on the project called ‘Evasione – from the square to the heart and vice versa’. It explores the connections between urban spaces and performing arts, places and people inhabiting and crossing them. In 2020, my view of the theatre encountered that of Valentina Nibid. So, I have become a traveling actress and the project of the Teatro Vagante has started with the aim of taking arts into the streets and community theatres, and to small towns off the beaten tracks of tourism and festivals. In the meantime, I continue cooperating with artists, cultural organizations and third sector entities such as ‘Osservatorio sulla ‘ndrangheta’ (based in Reggio Calabria, Italy) and ‘Tric – Trac Teatro’ (based in Teramo, Italy), a very fruitful experience.
However, I am a clown and I will always be a clown looking for the clown. A poet of disaster and expert hunter of the invisible, the extraordinary communicative power of the clown has always seduced me, since I was a child, and today it is my passport to meet the endless, possible worlds existing inside and especially outside of theatres.
+39 3477153465
Frame: Francesco Paolucci
+39 3477153465
Copyright © 2021 Sara Gagliarducci. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Made with ❤ by Gaetano Lettera