“The clown does not speak, she gives life to the silence and the moments she is sharing with you. She breathes, and that breath generates a story without nobody saying it. A clown is like a river running between its two banks. If I am writing it, now, it is because I have seen one telling a story that took me from laughing to crying. And, what is more and even better, she took me to the centre of life, to that fertile and deep land edging between the visible and the invisible. The clown does not speak, she gives life to the silence and the moments she is sharing with you. She breathes, and that breath generates a story without nobody saying it. ALI is the title of the show this brave clown has brought to the theatre. And during the show, I saw the invisible spreading over and covering the visible to the point of making it fly…”
by Camilla Viscusi, poet, dreamer and spectator